Category: Baseball

2025 Baseball Team Trip to Oxford, MS

April 11-13, 2025

Draft Itinerary here, but highlights are:

Travel by Cline Tours 40-Passenger Bus

Team Building Challenge/Ropes course at Ole Miss

Click here for the online waiver MUST be completed before we leave on the the bus. It should be completed by a parent if player is under 18. Choose “Challenge Course/Teambuilding Session” as the activity type. The group name is MAHS, and participant type is “Other”.

Watching UT play Ole Miss!

Due to great fundraising efforts, player contribution is only $60 this year, and is payable here.


2025 Baseball Sponsorships

Its now time to start gathering business (and personal) sponsorships from our community. Our target is to start selling now and to be paid by February 21 to ensure their name on “Our Sponsors” banner. However, we will accept sponsorships and donations at any time during the season.

The preferred method is to push everyone to and tell them to click on “Become a Sponsor”, especially if they want to use a card to make the payment. They can provide all the relevant information we need to be able to recognize them throughout the season. Please push using the website even for companies who want to pay by check. Checks are usually better for the larger amounts due to the bank fees for processing credit cards.

Click here to download this season’s sponsorship flyer.
Here is a list of some of our needs and wants for the team and the facility:

Leak Repairs around broadcast booth above concessions – $2500?
Replace leaky mound/home plate tarps – $3000
Used John Deere Gator (or equivalent) – $5000?
New Rollup Windows for concession stand – $4000
Concrete slab under visitor bleachers – $5000+
Build roof over batting cage – $10,000+

BBQ Presale Fundraiser – Pickup Feb 8, 2025

BBQ Presale Fundraiser

Prep/Cook/Pickup at West Jackson Baptist Church

Online Orders here:

Click here for Player Order Form (if you need an extra)

Player Work Schedule will be forthcoming. For now just SELL, SELL, SELL!

Suggest to your buyer to order online, but if you take a manual order, collect the money when they order. Also, manual order forms must be turned in January 27th.

Don’t wait to start selling. Get started right away. This should be an easy fundraiser for you.

Remember it is ONLY because of fundraisers like this that we can buy uniforms, baseballs, training aids, or possibly take a team trip. Don’t be the player that didn’t give it their all!

Questions may be directed to Kyle Putnam, Booster Club Treasurer (731) 217-1124

If you aren’t yet subscribed to the Booster Club Remind, please join it by texting “@madisonbbb” (no quotes) to 81010.


Carwash Fundraiser – Sept 7, 2024

Stang Gang Car Wash Fundraiser

Parking lot by Sonic on Vann Drive in The Columns

September 7, 2024
9am-1:30pm (First Shift Players arrive at 8:47am)

You have received and are expected to sell 10 tickets for $10 each regardless of whether you are able to work at the car wash.

You are expected to return your envelope with $100 cash/checks inside no later than at the car wash on 9/7.

If you do not sell all 10 tickets, return any unsold tickets and cash/checks for what you did sell. If you are unable to work at the car wash, let coach know and coordinate turning in your money with Mr. Putnam.

Don’t wait to start selling. Get started right away. This should be an easy fundraiser for you.

Remember it is ONLY because of fundraisers like this carwash that we can buy uniforms, baseballs, training aids, or possibly take a team trip. Don’t be the player that didn’t give it their all!

Questions may be directed to Kyle Putnam, Booster Club Treasurer (731) 217-1124

Players will work on the day of the carwash split into two shifts as follows:

First Shift
Second Shift
Allen Meek
Bray’lon Klyce
Brock Browning
Caleb Marshall
Cooper Bonham
Dylan Stranak
Eli Preston
Garrett Pickens
Gavan Thomas
Luke Brewer
Mason Putnam
Ty Laffoon
Tyler Murphy
Aiden Alexander
Braxton Adkisson
Connor Puckett
Gage Dillon
Garrett Clark
Ian Wyatt
Jaden Sorensen
Kylan Castro
Nico Udovich
Ryker Stegall
Wilson Putnam

If you aren’t yet subscribed to the Booster Club Remind, please join it by texting “@madisonbbb” (no quotes) to 81010.


Carwash Fundraiser – June 15, 2024

Stang Gang Car Wash Fundraiser

Parking lot by Sonic on Vann Drive in The Columns

June 15, 2024
9am-1:30pm (First Shift Players arrive at 8:47am)

You have received and are expected to sell 10 tickets for $10 each regardless of whether you are able to work at the car wash.

You are expected to return your envelope with $100 cash/checks inside no later than at the car wash on 6/15.

If you do not sell all 10 tickets, return any unsold tickets and cash/checks for what you did sell. If you are unable to work at the car wash, let coach know and coordinate turning in your money with Mr. Putnam.

Don’t wait to start selling. Get started right away. This should be an easy fundraiser for you.

Remember it is ONLY because of fundraisers like this carwash that we can buy uniforms, baseballs, training aids, or possibly take a team trip. Don’t be the player that didn’t give it their all!

Questions may be directed to Kyle Putnam, Booster Club Treasurer (731) 217-1124

Players will work on the day of the carwash split into two shifts as follows:

First Shift
Second Shift
Allen Meek
Bray’lon Klyce
Brock Browning
Caleb Marshall
Cooper Bonham
Dylan Stranak
Eli Preston
Garrett Pickens
Gavan Thomas
Luke Brewer
Mason Putnam
Ty Laffoon
Tyler Murphy
Aiden Alexander
Braxton Adkisson
Connor Puckett
Gage Dillon
Garrett Clark
Ian Wyatt
Jaden Sorensen
Kylan Castro
Nico Udovich
Ryker Stegall
Wilson Putnam

If you aren’t yet subscribed to the Booster Club Remind, please join it by texting “@madisonbbb” (no quotes) to 81010.


2024 Summer Schedule

5/28 – Tryouts
5/30 – Practice 9-11am
5/31 – Game @ Bradford 12pm
6/3 – Practice 4-6pm
6/5 – Practice 9-11am
6/6 – Game @ Lambuth vs Greenfield 5pm
6/10 – Practice 4-6pm
6/11 – Game @ Lambuth vs South Fulton 3pm
6/13 – Practice 9-11am
6/15 – CAR WASH FUNDRAISER @ Sonic on Vann @ 8:45-1:30
6/17 – Practice 4-6pm
6/19 – Practice 9-11am
6/20 – Game @ West Carroll 1pm

2024 Field Workday #1 – Saturday 2/24 @ 10am

We will have our first field work day of Spring 2024 this Saturday 2/24/24 starting at 10am. This day will be spend cleaning up and preparing the field for the season. Here are the planned work activities:

  1. Painting the bathroom interiors and all the blue doors and trim. Paint, roller covers, brushes and tray liners have been donated by Modern Woodmen. We need about 3 rollers with extension handles, and another paint tray.
  2. General “yard” maintenance. Leaf/pine needle removal. Trim hedges and shrubs. Bring appropriate tools. Blowers, trimmers, rakes, yard saws, gloves, etc.
  3. Field Edging. Bring muscles.
  4. Build water runoff in front of third base dugout. Bring shovels or a trencher if you have one.
  5. Secure protective net to backstop wall. Bring pliers, concrete drill.
  6. Build surface for small batting cage. A tractor would be ideal.
  7. Application of field conditioner and mound clay.
  8. Pressure Washing of buildings. If someone had a high pressure washer to bring, we could clean the outside of the stand, as well as the steps. Its pretty bad right now.
  9. Rebuild dugout fence. Hammers, drills, hole shovel.

The more the merrier, we need all hands on deck this year. Last year we didn’t have a work day. The one day planned was rained out. This year should be fair weather. We will also plan another date soon. So much work needs done that it cannot all be done in one day.

2024 Baseball Sponsorships

Its now time to start gathering business (and personal) sponsorships from our community. Our target is to start selling now and to be completed end of January. However, we will accept sponsorships and donations at any time during the season.

The preferred method is to push everyone to and tell them to click on “Become a Sponsor”, especially if they want to use a card to make the payment. They can provide all the relevant information we need to be able to recognize them throughout the season. Please push using the website even for companies who want to pay by check. Checks are usually better for the larger amounts due to the bank fees for processing credit cards.

Click here to download this season’s sponsorship flyer.

While everyone is encouraged to seek out sponsors for our program, we are happy to have Ashley Gerler (mother of freshman Gavan Thomas) volunteer to lead the charge. If you have a prospect you are unable to pursue yourself, please pass that name along to Ashley who will follow up. Ashley’s email is and her cell is 731-697-6384.

Here is a list of some of our needs and wants for the team and the facility:

Artificial Turf for our batting cages – 2@ $1200
Replace leaky mound/home plate tarps – $3000
Pitching Machine – $4000
Used John Deere Gator (or equivalent) – $4000?
New Man Doors for bathrooms and Concession Stand – $3300
New Rollup Windows for concession stand – $3000
New fencing behind home dugout – $1000?
Concrete slab under visitor bleachers – $5000
Build roof over batting cage – $10,000

Carwash Fundraiser – September 9

Stang Gang Car Wash Fundraiser

Parking lot by Sonic on Vann Drive in The Columns

September 9, 2023
9am-1pm (First Shift Players arrive at 8:47am)

You have received and are expected to sell 10 tickets for $10 each.

You are expected to return this envelope with $100 cash/checks inside by September 9.
If you do not sell all 10 tickets, return any unsold tickets and cash/checks for what you did sell.

Don’t wait to start selling. Get started right away. This should be an easy fundraiser for you.

We have a big trip planned for the Spring and without your full effort fundraising we will not be able to go.

Players will work on the day of the carwash split into two shifts as follows:

First Shift
Second Shift
Aiden Alexander
Brock Browning
Carson Billingsley
Carter Noble
Dylan Stranak
Garrett Clark
Gavan Thomas
Layne Cannon
Noah Greene
Ryker Stegall
Ty Laffoon
Tyler Murphy
Wilson Putnam
Allen Meek
Braylon Klyce
Cameron Butler
Conner Puckett
Eli Lutz
Gage Dillon
Garrett Pickens
Isaac Jones
Jaden Sorensen
Nico Udovich
Stephen Coleman
Zac Littrell

If you aren’t yet subscribed to the Booster Club Remind, please join it by texting “@madisonbbb” (no quotes) to 81010.