2024 Field Workday #1 – Saturday 2/24 @ 10am

We will have our first field work day of Spring 2024 this Saturday 2/24/24 starting at 10am. This day will be spend cleaning up and preparing the field for the season. Here are the planned work activities:

  1. Painting the bathroom interiors and all the blue doors and trim. Paint, roller covers, brushes and tray liners have been donated by Modern Woodmen. We need about 3 rollers with extension handles, and another paint tray.
  2. General “yard” maintenance. Leaf/pine needle removal. Trim hedges and shrubs. Bring appropriate tools. Blowers, trimmers, rakes, yard saws, gloves, etc.
  3. Field Edging. Bring muscles.
  4. Build water runoff in front of third base dugout. Bring shovels or a trencher if you have one.
  5. Secure protective net to backstop wall. Bring pliers, concrete drill.
  6. Build surface for small batting cage. A tractor would be ideal.
  7. Application of field conditioner and mound clay.
  8. Pressure Washing of buildings. If someone had a high pressure washer to bring, we could clean the outside of the stand, as well as the steps. Its pretty bad right now.
  9. Rebuild dugout fence. Hammers, drills, hole shovel.

The more the merrier, we need all hands on deck this year. Last year we didn’t have a work day. The one day planned was rained out. This year should be fair weather. We will also plan another date soon. So much work needs done that it cannot all be done in one day.