BBQ Presale Fundraiser
Prep/Cook/Pickup at West Jackson Baptist Church
Online Orders here:
Click here for Player Order Form (if you need an extra)
Player Work Schedule will be forthcoming. For now just SELL, SELL, SELL!
Suggest to your buyer to order online, but if you take a manual order, collect the money when they order. Also, manual order forms must be turned in January 27th.
Don’t wait to start selling. Get started right away. This should be an easy fundraiser for you.
Remember it is ONLY because of fundraisers like this that we can buy uniforms, baseballs, training aids, or possibly take a team trip. Don’t be the player that didn’t give it their all!
Questions may be directed to Kyle Putnam, Booster Club Treasurer (731) 217-1124
If you aren’t yet subscribed to the Booster Club Remind, please join it by texting “@madisonbbb” (no quotes) to 81010.